Albert Berkshire is an accomplished writer, producer and voice actor with extensive national and international credits. Continuing from a long background in broadcast voice over for radio and TV, Albert is in-studio almost daily performing narration, voiceover and character acting for radio, television and interstitial commercials throughout Canada and the US.
In addition to his voice credits, Albert has garnered awards for his work, but he counts the repeat clients as the greatest reward in his career.
Like so many writers who are passionate about their work, Albert has been able to apply his love of the nuances of the English language to a personal interest. He has written for and consulted extensively in the housing industry – a personal passion (or maybe addiction). His marketing campaigns and conceptual consulting for developers, builders and real estate agents has helped his clients grow their brand, increase their business, and collectively win over 200 housing awards in Canada.
In his free time, of which he’ll freely admit he creates plenty. He openly explores his passion for the English language, and in the pursuit of inspiration, he runs, hikes, bikes, backpacks, skis, paddles, and seeks out every possible adventure in British Columbia on Canada’s West Coast, and just about anywhere else in the world he can find it…and always with friends. It’s those personal outdoor pursuits that give him fodder and inspiration for writing, and clears the ever-foggy head of a writer. Sometimes you’ll read about it here, sometimes you’ll see it on the street, and sometimes you’ll hear it on the radio.
To discover Albert’s professional side, you just have to go where his clients go. A quick trip over to Great Creative.Com: www.greatcreative.com. To get a glimpse into his personal side, just keep reading.
A Love Letter To My Muse
No one ever plans to be taken ahold. No one ever sees a loving passion when it first blossoms. No one ever expects that the simple nuances in a life not yet fully lived, can be so brilliantly touched. No one ever expects it to matter so much.
And there you are. A million strong. Generations evolved. Changed forever by the times. Yet, fiercely true to your heritage. The Germanic in you dictates strict rules never to be broken. The Anglo-Norman in your line demands an emotional exception to every stern rule, always without apology, explanation, and often absent of rationale. Such a predictable characteristic of your conquerer personality.
But, it makes you who you are…brilliant, loved, strong…my muse.
You abandon me in my brightest of times; excitement overtakes control and I have a fall from your grace. And still, you forgive my absence and dissent. You welcome me back. You trust me with each of your recreations…every version of you. You excuse dialect, for you know I understand your values. You trust me to tell the world of all you can offer. You challenge me in every way. You make me think, to feel, to share. You love structure and tell me it matters. You have a sense of order that so few appreciate.
And you empower me to create.
You are bastardized, publicized, romantic and blue. You are balanced and focused and olde and new.
You are rolling and frolicking and surprising and bright. You are funny and despairing and heavy and light.
You are the master of nuance, and the child of coincidence.
And as practicality and logic dictate that I must abandon you for long, painful stretches of time, there will be no others. No one can teach me as you do, for you are my muse. Never could there be more passion and inspiration and trust and encouragement, for you are my muse. Not a moment passes, that I don’t long for you to be here, and still, when you are absent, I am true to you…your rules, your exceptions, and your way of expression.
You are imprinted on me.
You are English. You are my Muse. And I love everything about you.
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